2011 Mission team

2011 Mission team
Karen, Randy, Jo Ann, Ev, Al, Matt, Bj, Tim
Nozomi, Katherine, Garrett, Andrew

Monday, July 25, 2011

Al: Two Teams, One Mission

Our Japan mission team will actually serve two churches in Japan. Randy, Karen, Katherine, Garrett, Nozomi, Jo Ann, and Matt will help the Nokendai Bible Fellowship run their VBS. In addition to the VBS program, the team will also support a women's minsitry program. The Nokendai Bible Fellowship meets at the Nokendai Community Center. Nokendai is on the outskirts of Yokohoma, between Yokohama and Yokosuka.

Tim, Andrew, B.J., Ev and Al will help the Tokorowzawa Megumi Kyokai run their VBS. This team will also help with evening programs for middle school and high school students. They will also serve at the Okutama Bible Chalet for a few days. The Tokorozawa Megumi Kyokai meets at the SEND center in Higashitokorozawa which is located a little west of Tokyo.

It is about a 2 hour train ride from the SEND center to the Nokendai Community center. So we are essentually working as two separate teams. But for the past 4 months we have been working together as one mission team to prepare to serve God in Japan.

1 comment:

  1. Our 2003 Lighthouse Japan team spent a week at Okutama Bible Chalet ministering to the SEND missionaries. Very cool to hear you're going there. Bless you folks as you prepare to leave this Tues.
