2011 Mission team

2011 Mission team
Karen, Randy, Jo Ann, Ev, Al, Matt, Bj, Tim
Nozomi, Katherine, Garrett, Andrew

Saturday, August 6, 2011

High School hangout night!

Soooo... today we had the opportunity to sleep in a bit... (which ended up being sleeping till 8ish...) It's kind of weird that sleeping in is 8... but comparatively I guess it is... anyways... It was a blessing to start of the day sleeping a bit more... and having the chance to take our time in the morning and spend some time in prayer before heading out for the day...
We headed to a shopping area in Tokorozawa (the more... main city part) and wandered a bit around there in search of various supplies and such... had lunch there which was pretty good... a pasta place called saizeria (sp?)...
we headed back to the SEND center and did some prep before going to distribute pamphlets for the church...
Ended up getting back a little over an hour before our night event was scheduled to start... so we did more prep... the night was awesome! A lot more people than we had expected showed up... only a couple were actually high school students (I think...) and few college students came and such... it was a really good time of hanging out... fellowshiping... etc... lots of free time, but our scheduled program went really well too. The games that BJ introduced were all pretty big hits with everyone! It really helped to loosen people up and start getting everyone to be more comfortable talking... me and matt played the same songs we did the night before... andrew shared a very powerful testimony (slightly altered from the night before to focus on his high school to present life) and a lot of people were very touched by it! so ptl! :D... another song... another game... and then dessert... by dessert time people were talking and hanging out and fellowshiping as though they had known each other for ... well... a couple days at least. Longer than a couple hours is for sure... at the end many seemed reluctant to leave... but having to get going for safety and getting home on time and such ... yeah... so I guess... God is just reminding me ... that even though things went really well tonight and people got along and such... to keep them in prayer!!!... yeah.. things to pray for... that tonight would have been a good experience in their minds! that... they would have that little seed planted of the nature of God that we represent... His love... His people... and that God would grow and nurture it...

anywhoo... I guess on a personal side... today I had a rather annoying headache for the latter half of the day... It wasn't terrible, but enough that it made it quite hard for me to feel energetic and want to engage in Japanese conversations (which take a little more thinking power...)... so prayer for that... It's a bit better now but my body feels pretty drained for it...

Another thing to keep in prayer... for me... and probably the rest of the team. Here in Japan it's very easy to feel like we're on vacation... feel comfortable... feel... like nothing is wrong. SO ... I guess just prayer for continued conviction and awareness of the spiritual condition of things here... that we would never lose sight of why we are here... that Satan's lie of this being a place where nothing is wrong would have no hold in our minds, but rather that we would see more and more clearly each day how desperately this country is hurting and in need of God's love...

Anywhooooo... time to shower... spend some bible time... and head to bed... tomorrow is a big day!

(OH!)... more prayer requests... for tomorrow... (which starts in... 12ish hours for us)...
1.) Safe travels for Matt and Nozomi as they will be leaving the Tokorozawa area and heading down to meet up with the rest of the Nokendai team for the remainder the trip.
2.) Ev is going to be sharing her testimony at tomorrow's church service, so prayer that God would anoint her lips and that the words she shares would be the message God wishes to convey
3.) Matt and I are joining Jon Reasoner in worship... so prayer that God would be glorified through our voices and the instruments we play...
4.) Anything else I might have forgotten to mention... just prayers are great :]!

Huge thanks to everyone praying... you're all awesome! ^^V...


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