2011 Mission team

2011 Mission team
Karen, Randy, Jo Ann, Ev, Al, Matt, Bj, Tim
Nozomi, Katherine, Garrett, Andrew

Friday, August 12, 2011

Shirley-NBF Day 5, Last Day of VBS

Praise God for a terrific week of VBS at Nokendai Bible Fellowship. We had 21 kids today and were joined by many moms who have come faithfully all week to help and observe. Several dads showed up this afternoon, also to pick up their kids and see what they have been doing all week.

We took a group picture at lunch with many of the kids wearing their tie-dyed T-shirts! After a wonderful morning introduction, Mrs. Karen's experiment depicting sin and turning water into wine, we also had Nozomi-kun's testimony and an in depth bible discussion in each group and an invitation to say the believer's prayer, also. We pray for those who checked the box that said they had accepted Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior today! We will do our best to follow-up with each person to encourage them in their new life in Jesus.
After lunch, we did marbling paper crafts that turned into beautiful cards complete with envelopes. The kids were still revving up and wanted to continue to do iron-beads and other recreation games, but we just plain ran out of time. We handed out pictures with picture frames, our gift bags and "Messenger" manga bibles, the fifth in the series that starts with "Messiah".

It is hard to believe a whole week has gone by already and it is almost time to say "good-bye" to our NBF team. We look forward to meeting up with the TMK team tomorrow night in Yokosuka. We pray that the Lord would continue to work in the hearts of all the children and parents we met this week as we continue to nurture our relationships with each of them. May God bless them and keep them and shine His face on them and give them peace. Amen.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Shirley & both teams!
    Thanks for the daily blogging, Shirley, and keeping us up-to-date and in prayer for you folks! praying for those seeds of faith that have been planted and God continue to move in the hearts of those there.
    keeping you and your family in prayer as well!
    God bless the teams as they meet up and travel home tomorrow.
